These scrapbook pages are literally the result of years of effort. First, the supplies and pictures went five years between purchase and the first efforts to scrapbook them. Then, I pulled the supplies together into a container and brought them to a scrap night with Brandy over two years ago. That night I designed a couple of layouts and began the process of identifying embellishments. I tend to desire including many of the photos I take during a trip, rejecting the notion that one picture layouts are for me.
So, these pictures were placed two years ago and just recently the titles and embellishments finalized. This is what takes me so much time! You may read sarcasm into that statement- these pages are not highly embellished so I don't really have an excuse for how long it took me to finish. :)
My kids have grown so much since these photos were taken. The other thing I noticed is how dark these photos are. They were taken with one of our early digital point and shoot cameras. At the time we thought how much better these photos were than the old 35 mm photos. Now, owning a DSLR camera, I see how ineffective my use of the digital camera was. I'm still learning so it's interesting to give a pause and see the differences.
The other thing I notice is how dark all of the patterned papers that I'd chosen were. I didn't look for too many pportunities to counter this fact. I couldn't think of a better use for these quite specific patterns, so into the book they went. In the end, it is about creating a book of stories and pictures from our trip that will last and be more personal than just photos in an album.

These are so cool - really love the papers and fab photos. See you getting organised :-)