
Friday, February 25, 2011

One of My Favorite Blogs

I've mentioned this blog a couple of times and I thought I would just take a minute to post about the blog as it is one of the very few blogs I regularly check in on.  Megan has gained a wide audience and I actually found her through a random comment in an article at  The author of the article was discussing how boring a particular TV show was and referred to Megan's blog (as an example of the opposite of boring- I certainly agree).  Out of curiosity I checked it out and have been stopping back since.  You can find Megan's blog at
One of the very first ideas I picked up from her blog was a recipe and idea to make individual portions of blueberry cobbler for a bake sale.  Here's a picture of my interpretation of the idea she posted on her blog.

Megan's blog is very unique in that she doesn't post most frequently with the crafts or projects she's been doing.  Instead, she will post links about ideas and/or projects that she's found throughout the web.  It is a great ideas resource and has become a wellspring of inspiration for me.  I don't always follow through on her posted ideas (she does a lot of baking and cooking that I simply don't have time to follow up with), but from her creativity I catch a spark that might inspire me to take 30 minutes to start a card or sketch out an idea that I might not take time to do otherwise.

I'll leave you with a really cool idea that I probably wouldn't ever follow through on but is a good example of how one can be inspired.  Check out this cool glitter cake

Later... Andie

Update:  Looks like Megan has a new lease on blogging and is attempting to post a picture a day.  Either way, still a great inspiration and now, daily updates.  Yeah!

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Isn't it fun to encourage one another, even from a distance?