
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ok- so here is my first try at this sort of thing.  I had the privilege of participating in our church's Orange You Glad You Know Jesus? celebration last weekend.  It was a blast to see the kids dress up in orange.  Each orange item you wear counts as one (1) point.  If you bring a visitor- that counts as 50 points.  The class with the most points wins a pizza party some point in the near future.

Well, I couldn't just leave it at that- the Cricut was brought out and I went to town.

I ended up making cute medallions for the boys.  They were very simple- I crocheted the necklace out of a thick wool yarn.  The emblem was created using a graphics program- my son had to teach me how to do that.  After I printed the emblem out on the orange cardstock, I simply used my Cricut Accent Essentials and the Centerpoint function to cut a 2 ¼ in. circle.  There are many places on the web that explain the Centerpoint function much better than I, try this. 

Since the girls enjoy a more girly look (we lead the 2nd grade group), I also thought that some hair “pretties” would also be a great add.  So I cut out the flowers in sizes incremented by 1/4” starting at 2 ¼” all the way up to 3”.  I simply embellished the top layer of the flower with glitter glue, Smooch (more to come on this product in future posts) and some rockin’ cool gemstones.  This can be easily made out of scraps left over from any project and bring a bright thrill to the eye of your young lady.

You can also see the thin, plastic headbands used for some of the flowers.  The flowers are attached with a small dab of hot glue.  Additionally, I used safety pins I had on hand to hot glue to a few of the medallions for my husband and a few other more “mature” participants.

Orange you glad you know Jesus?  I am.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Viral Scrap?

Why ViralScrap? To have a complete understanding of how this all came to be, it is somewhat important to understand a little of our story. In the beginning Andie and I were co-workers, not necessarily friends we became friends because of a scrapbook convention. I had just caught the scrapbook bug, and had heard about this scrapbook convention in Mesa, I had no idea what it was or what it included, but I thought Andie had kids so maybe she would be interested in coming along.  (We had a great boss who gave us the afternoon off).  Needless to say, there is nothing more intoxicating than a good scrapbook convention, and you never forget your first.  Andie has since said I infected her. Now, nine (9) years later, we have a friendship that goes beyond paper crafts, and I realized that crafting, especially paper crafting, was not just a hobby, I was not just an enthusiast, I was in fact, an addict.  I have a disease.  So, I went to my best friend (Andie) for help, and then much to my surprise, she said she couldn't help me, because she too was diseased, she was just better at hiding her paper and embellishment habit than I, but she had to come clean when she bought the Scrapbox (I will let her tell you about that).  So, in order to provide ourselves with some form of therapy (and maybe an excuse to buy even more crafting supplies), we would blog about our findings, inspiration and where we find it, not that we are trying to spread the disease, we hope you enjoy.