
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Our Beautiful World #111 - Stairs

That's me, Andie!

Say Hi, Brandy!
 Our Beautiful World word prompt this week is Stairs.  Kirsty shared over at her blog, Handmade Little Things, a picture of the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe.  I've been there and it got me thinking of what stairs I might have visited.  I stumbled upon these pictures taken in July 2012 when Brandy and I took a road trip to Sedona.

We're both slightly mortified at the thought of photos of us on the web, but the perspective on these photos was hard to pass up - that is definitely a set of stairs!

Of course, as beautiful as the scenery was, please know that our objective on the trip was a stop at the Art Institute of Glitter in Cottonwood, Arizona.  All that beautiful, shiny glitter.  It was a good trip!

Come join the fun over at Our Beautiful World to be inspired or to join the fun.


  1. I love Sedona, and I have to go to that beautiful glittery place next time I am there, thanks for sharing your wonderful post and story with us at Our Beautiful World!

  2. Institute glitter sounds like a lot Of fun :-)
    The stair case photos are pretty... I share the same feeling, about my photos floating in the web, mortifying... But thrilling to share anyway. :-)

  3. Fabulous photo's - including the shelves of glitter ;-) TFS

  4. Wow!! What terrific photos! Thanks ever so much for sharing with us at OBW!!

  5. Those stairs look so rustic - and lol, I had to smile and nod with being mortified of photos of self on the net! Silly really and it is good to make sure we get in photos! Look at those paint pots behind you!!! oooh!

  6. looks like a wonderful environment, the red rock stairs. I could not see your last photo?
    Thanks for sharing with us at "OBW"

  7. Those steps are awesome and probably not a set I would tackle without someone to lean on. Great photos.

  8. Great archaic stairs! Nice to see you :-)
    An Art Institute of glitter - that could seduce me...
    Have a nice sunday


Thank you so much for your kind words. Isn't it fun to encourage one another, even from a distance?