
Sunday, February 9, 2020

2020 Scrapbook Calendar

We had our kitchen redone in November of last year and it took about 5 weeks to finish.  Whew!  Working out of a sink in the powder room downstairs - cleaning plates and pans, let alone the time without a stove or microwave, etc. was extremely exhausting.  The finished product is well worth the work, but it messed up much of my crafting so that I'm way out of order in my projects starting this year.  I was behind in December and it continued throughout January.  Thus, I am sharing these photos of my scrapbook calendar a little late this year.

This will be my eighth annual post.  Previous years are found here:


Previous years utilized the Basic Grey calendar kit - oh how I miss those kits and their wonderful papers, embellishments and designs.  So classic, I'd make each of them again today.  Now, I'm stuck using my own ingenuity.  Not saying I don't have ingenuity, but there's something delightful for occasionally using a kit created by someone else.  They always had my own interpretation and charm.

Since I was behind this year, I decided to shop my stash and pull out embellishments that were in the stash from previous projects.  If you tune into our blog often, you'll recognize some parts and pieces from previous projects.

This mama of two finds that as the years move forward I am not taking as many pictures.  I also find there are more of my husband and I together than there has ever been.  Changes up the calendar slightly, but I still love making them and don't expect to stop anytime soon.

Thanks for sticking with my on the picture heavy post.  I appreciate each and every visitor and look forward to a crafty 2020.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Isn't it fun to encourage one another, even from a distance?