
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our Beautiful World - Autumn

Kirsty over at Handmade Little Things has once again inspired as she follows Our Beautiful World and the word prompts each week.  I decided to join in the fun.  We recently took a trip to Colorado to celebrate my grandfather's 90th Birthday and I just had to share some pictures from the trip.  More on that later.

The word prompt this week is Autumn.  While we were in Colorado, there were several Autumn inspired events.  First, was a drive up through the foothills into the mountains to see the snow that had fallen the night before our arrival.

Next was a trip to the pumpkin patch, also required.  My grandma, Mabel, had to get out and walk in the rows of dried pumpkin vines because this is an annual photo opportunity for her and her great-grandchildren.  Here she is with my daughter Katie who skipped another fun day in the mountains for just such a moment.  That large pumpkin was left on my grandparents front porch- no room in the suitcase!

So much fun to be able to spend this kind of time in an environment different than our own.  Arizona has a much shorter and less colorful Autumn.  The nights are cooler, but our daytime is still quite warm.  Our time in Colorado included true cool days and colder nights with colors everywhere- gold, red and orange sprinkled in the still-green.

Autumn is always special as our kids have year round school and, thus, we typically vacation for the first two weeks of October.  This year was extra special and I'm so glad Roz chose the word Autumn for the word prompt. It gives me the excuse to post these pictures to share with you and wax nostalgic about our trip.  Come join the fun over at Our Beautiful World and share what autumn looks like in your part of the world.

If nothing else, stop by and take a peak into the pictures shared by others.  They never disappoint and it just might inspire you too!


  1. Lovely autumn post!
    (I will show my post for OBW tomorrow)
    Have a great new week :-)

  2. Das sind ja super große Kürbise, da hat man wenigstens etwas davon.
    Danke für deinen Besuch in meinem Blog.
    Lieben Gruß aus Germany

  3. Great post - loved your pictures! And too bad you couldn't take home that pumpkin! But I bet your grandmother now enjoys looking at it - recalling that wonderful day with the family.

  4. Lovely photos. Wonderful Autumn colours against the crsip blue sky.
    Were you able to take a smaller pumkin home?
    I liked the photo of your grandmother and your daughter. A photo to be treasured.
    Thank you for visitng my blog.

  5. how wonderful to spend time with a great grandmother!! She must have happy memories whenever she sees that big pumpkin on her porch

  6. The photos are beautiful and looks like a fun outing, I love the kids with their pumpkin, so cute! Thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World, it is always good to see you playing along!

  7. Great post and photos, beautiful nature! Thanks, for sharing your photos with us at "Our Beautiful World"

  8. Hi Andie, thanks for sharing your lovely Autumn photos and story with us at Our Beautiful World. ..fabulous big orange pumpkins. Cheers Robyn

  9. Oh terrific shots!! I so love seeing what it's like in different parts of the globe ... Thanks so much for sharing with us at OBW!!

  10. That is pure joy, the harvesting of the pumpkins. Great autumn shots! Thank you for joining us at OBW!

  11. Such fabulous photo's and wonderful times! Love love this post. TFS


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